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Showing posts from May, 2018


Real life photo of Team Bandicoot riding off into the sunset Whelp, we made it folks.  The final release of Augie Marketplace was a big hit. The audience roared, cheered, and showered us with laud and gifts of gratitude. The app was smooth as margarine in a turkish bath, and the idea was immensely intriguing to the augie students present. We had 'em all hook, line and sinker since the first minute of the presentation. That all beings said, we simply cannot deny the fact that this whole fiasco is done and over with. For the four of us, anyway.  Team Bandicoot is immensely proud of the work we have done on this project. We had our high points and our low points, but in the end, we developed a high quality application with legitimate potential for improving the Augustana experience. We each individually learned so much about ourselves and our abilities during this process. Now, with graduation imminent, it is time for all of us to move on to bigger and better...

The Final Stretch

We made it folks. We are on the verge of Augie Marketplace's great release. Like the monumental white whale emerging from the depths of the ocean to face Captain Ahab in one final epic confrontation, Team Bandicoot is stringing up their harpoons for the last push towards glory. Finally a way to get your used textbooks and school supplies out of your basement. Glory has never had a more accurate description. Team Bandicoot has been burning the midnight oil (not as efficient as electricity, but it makes us feel like Davinci) to get this project where it needs to be by the impending release date. Which, as it stands now, is...... (Dramatic beat. Confetti cannon) ON SUNDAY! AT 5 PM! When you're finished applauding in front of you computer, take moment to look back on the last ten weeks. At one time, you had no idea receiving an adequate amount of compensation for your used college essentials was a remote possibility. And yet there you sit, a new person/google robot fishi...

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego( 's Stuff she posted on Augie Marketplace to Efficiently Find and Lock Down a Buyer)?

Oh, I'm sorry, is that title too LONG for you? BOO HOO. Did it WASTE so much of your PRECIOUS TIME with its OBNOXIOUS pop culture reference and OVERLY EXTENDED parenthetical? Am I WAY OVERPLAYING this SARCASTIC line of questioning? Well that's nothing compared to the amount of time you, as a highly valued user of AUGIE MARKETPLACE, would waste trying to find an item in a poorly structured, impenetrable android app made by a bunch of shmucks! You'd waste a whole lot of time! We got you covered. We may be shmucks, but we respect your time. The app currently allows a user to search for items by Category, Seller, Date Uploaded, and Title. If you can't find an item in this search system, there's a chance it just doesn't exist. I swear, I searched Waldo on this thing and it came up with circled pictures of him on every page of every book. I'll never have to look for that striped trickster again. No really. ...Ok not really, I found thos...