For those of you unfamiliar with the term rush, here's some bad google stock photos: Looks like our little AOL messenger guy there owes the other two money. Good luck with those stubby 2d legs, pal. ANYHOO. These images are important because it is an accurate depiction of what team Bandicoot will be doing with our brains and our computers for the next three weeks. Sprint numero uno went extremely well! But we can't get cocky. The responses were all positive. The idea is solid, and the functionality we have now earned us little to no criticism. Right now we are most concerned with making the app more efficient when it comes to finding certain products. We want the time period between when you log in to Augie Marketplace, and when you discover in the first chapter of you gen chem textbook that you should be an English major, to be as short as possible. We also realize that today's youth are flighty creatures with short attention spans. If it takes t...