I'm a sucker for a cliche blog post name. So sue me.
Team Bandicoot has hit the ground running. Which if you are familiar with the anatomy of bandicoots, is tough. They have tiny little legs.
Anyhoo: STEP 1 - The profiles
Augie Marketplace will boast an easy to set up and maintain profile system, providing security to our users, while still allowing them to link up with other students of interest. For this purpose we will be using Firebase, which utilizes a Realtime Database system.
First and foremost, ol' Augustana College loves their google platforms. Everything we do here in Rock'nRoll Island is based off a school issued email and password. It is essential that Augie marketplace can be accessed in the same way.
So even before we attack the Firebase Database system to achieve real-time syncing between our clients, Avash "Firebase Face" Shrestha is working through a google sign in system so we can keep those Augie students happy and comfortable.
Myself and Madi will be moving in on setting up the database. We have decided to use the slightly outdated Realtime Database instead of the fancy new Firestore. It's an oldy but a goody, and unlike Firestore, it has proven its worth in the world of App development.
Firestore is still in beta, so it would be like putting a toddler behind the controls of the gigantic, stomping, robotic behemoth we hope this app to become. Though, we are not knocking Firebase. Firestore will grow up into a strapping young database system under their supervision. We are confident in the platform's parenting abilities.
Anyway, off to work. Wish us luck.
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