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For about five seconds, I considered simply posting the lyrics to Jaden Smith's "ICON," and leave it at that.

Because that, ladies and germs, is exactly how influential I believe this app will be: Jaden Smith level influential.

Jokes aside, things are going well. Augie marketplace has a fully functioning database system (run through the aforementioned Firebase) and a gmail login system, a sweet profile management system (look out Facebook) and an evolving look that will make the app smooth as a baby's bottom (I'm a sort-of professional - don't you judge my similes).

We are definitely looking forward to the upcoming demo at the end of week seven. But for now I would like to give you a bit of a precursor - our official icon for the app. This is essential to making the app recognizable, as well as maintaining its visual connection to the great academic institution that is Augustana College. We are proud of our school and the knowledge it has bestowed upon us.

Knowledge is power. With great power comes great responsibility. And we believe our responsibility is to save students hundreds of dollars on egregiously priced textbooks.

This is how we plan to save the world.


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